There are many businesses that may run membership programs as either a core way of generating revenue or as a loyalty program for customers. When you are considering starting one of these programs for your business, you might want to use pre-printed membership cards as a way to effectively manage this program. Will The Cards Have Numbers Or Other Forms Of Verification? As part of administering your membership program, you will need to be able to check the status of the member cards that are presented.
20 November 2018
If you're looking for the perfect gift for your kids to give to their grandparents this holiday season, it's time to start looking at custom photo blankets. Photo albums and scrapbooks are great, but photo blankets are even better. With a photo blanket, your kids' grandparents will be able to wrap themselves up in cherished memories. Here are some tips that will help you get the most out of your photo blankets.
13 September 2018
When it comes to business marketing, one of the best ways to convey an effective message is through the use of tri-fold brochures. You can print full-color brochures with high-resolution images, full text, and the necessary contact information for your business. Using them as direct mailers is a great way to expand your business reach. Here are a few things to consider as you start to design your next tri-fold brochure.
20 May 2018
If you have a need for a new copier for the office, you will want to make sure that you are taking the time to select just the right one. Do not make the mistake of assuming that one copier is just like the rest because they can vary drastically. This is why there are so many options presented to you when there is someone in copier sales speaking with you.
15 March 2018
The copiers that duplicate documents in your office are rarely the focus of attention for the people who use them. Sustained performance of these machines ensures your staff and clients have the documents they require and can continue with their work and activities. Therefore, consciously dedicating time and action to copier care is just good business. Allow these machines to keep performing with these suggestions. Read the Manual Often, manuals for machines that are in common use are ignored.
18 January 2018